Field | Type | Description |
parameter_X | struct with fields described in table below |
parameter_X with X being an integer are mode-altering parameters that the user can arbitrarily define. These parameters have an effect on the mode properties of the waveguide hence the mode property matrices provided in the "model_data" (neff, ng, loss, D) must have a dimension corresponding to such parameters. Note: If visible_to_user is set to false for any of these parameters, the dimension of this parameter for the mode properties will be collapsed, and thus any variation of mode properties in the dimension of this parameter will not be captured in the final model. |
struct with fields described in table below |
length_parameter_X with X being an integer are non-mode-altering parameters that the user can arbitrarily define. These parameters have no effect on the mode properties of the waveguide and they do not correspond to dimensions within the mode property matrices, and instead describe properties which only effect waveguide length and group delay. The effect of these parameters to the waveguide length is captured by including variables which match the names of these parameters within the length_formula string. Note: For a straight waveguide the name of this parameter should be set to "wg_length". However for other types of waveguides that their length is described by other parameters (e.g. as radius), such parameters need to be defined as length_parameter_X and the relationship between parameters and "wg_length" need to be defined within "length_formula" in "model_data" section. |