A statistically enabled simple waveguide model for operation at a single frequency band. The model uses physical parameters such as delta_width and delta_height as well as performance parameters such as delta_loss as statistical parameter to randomly vary the effective index, group index, and waveguide loss.
For information on statistical CMLs, see Statistical CMLs.
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Waveguide Straight (Statistical) - Lumfoundry Template
Template: wg_stat_strip_straight_c
Photonic Model: waveguide_simple
Quality Assurance Test: waveguide_simple QA
Statistically Enabled Parameters: neff, ng, loss
Parameters: waveguide length, temperature
Virtuoso/Verilog-A Support: Yes
Application Gallery Example: Waveguide (FDE)
Required Data
Parameter Script File
QA Variables
Statistical QA Variables (statistical compact models only)
Data File
Nominal Data
Length Properties
Variable | Type | Description |
wg_length |
Default waveguide length (m). Note: This is visible to the end user. |
wg_length_min |
Minimum waveguide length (m) Note: This is visible to the end user. |
wg_length_max |
Maximum waveguide length (m) Note: This is visible to the end user. |
Statistical Data (optional)
This data is required for CML Compiler to enable statistical modeling. Note that to allow CML Compiler to build statistically enabled models, the statistical_parameter_status has to be defined in the XML file . For more information, see Statistical CMLs .
Variable | Type | Description |
stat_parameters |
Number |
A cell of length N containing the statistical data for the waveguide, where N is the number of statistical parameters. Each entry in the cell is a struct with the following fields. |
stat_parameters{i}.name |
String |
Name of the i-th statistical parameter. |
stat_parameters{i}.mean |
Number |
Mean value of the i-th statistical parameter. |
stat_parameters{i}.corners |
Matrix |
Corner values for the i-th statistical parameter provides as an CxM matrix where C is the number of process corners defined in the XML file and M is the number of modes. Note: The values for the process corners should follow the same order as in the XML file. |
stat_parameters{i}.slope_neff |
The sensitivity of the effective index of the waveguide with respect to the i-th statistical parameter defined as d_neff / d_stat_parameters{i}, provided as a Mx1 matrix where M is the number of modes. Note: Set to zero if the statistical parameter does not have any influence on the effective index. |
stat_parameters{i}.slope_ng |
The sensitivity of the group index of the waveguide with respect to the i-th statistical parameter defined as d_ng / d_stat_parameters{i}, provided as a Mx1 matrix where M is the number of modes. Note: Set to zero if the statistical parameter does not have any influence on the group index. |
stat_parameters{i}.slope_loss |
The sensitivity of the waveguide loss (dB/m) with respect to the i-th statistical parameter defined as d_loss / d_stat_parameters{i}, provided as a Mx1 matrix where M is the number of modes. Note: Set to zero if the statistical parameter does not have any influence on the waveguide loss. |
stat_parameters{i}.LOCAL |
A struct describing the LOCAL level variation of the i-th statistical parameter with the following fields: distribution: Defines the type of the PDF used to describe the LOCAL level variation. Currently the options are 'normal' (Gaussian) or 'pearson4' (Non-Gaussian). sigma: The standard deviation of the LOCAL level variation. gamma1: The skewness of the LOCAL level variation (for pearson4 distribution only) beta2: The kurtosis of the LOCAL level variation (for pearson4 distribution only) CORRGROUP: The spatial correlation group that this statistical parameter belongs to. The correlation group must be defined in the XML file. Note: It is optional to provide a CORRGROUP for statistical parameters. |
stat_parameters{i}.GLOBAL |
A struct containing the GLOBAL level variation of the i-th statistical parameter with the following fields: distribution: Defines the type of the PDF used to describe the GLOBAL level variation. Currently the options are 'normal' (Gaussian) or 'pearson4' (Non-Gaussian). sigma: The standard deviation of the GLOBAL level variation. gamma1: The skewness of the GLOBAL level variation (for pearson4 distribution only) beta2: The kurtosis of the GLOBAL level variation (for pearson4 distribution only) GLOBALGROUP : Name of the GLOBALGROUP defined in the top level XML file. (if a GLOBALGROUP is provided then the description in the XML file takes priority over the data file) Note: It is optional to provide a GLOBAL level variation for statistical parameters. |