A statistically enabled balanced 2x2 Mach-Zehnder modulator model. For this model figure of merits, delta_electrical_BW, and delta_Vpi, are considered as statistical parameters. In a FOM based statistical model, there is no need to find the statistical data for physical root cause of the variation and FOM measurements can be directly used as statistical data. The statistical parameters are delta_electrical_BW, and delta_Vpi.
For information on statistical CMLs, see Statistical CMLs .
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Mach-Zehnder Modulator 2x2 (Statistical) - Lumfoundry Template
Template: mzm_2x2_stat_fom_te_c (Figures of merit based statistical parameters)
Photonic Model: mach_zehnder_modulator_2x2
Quality Assurance Test: mach_zehnder_modulator QA
Statistically Enabled Parameters:
Balanced: Electrical_bandwidth and Vpi_electrical
Unbalanced: neff (active), ng (active), electrical_bandwidth, Vpi_electrical, resonant_wavelength, FSR, ER, IL,
Parameters: phase shifter length
Virtuoso/Verilog-A Support: No
Required Data
The required data is collected as a struct with following fields:
"general" is a struct with following fields:
"ports" is a struct with following fields:
Each struct above consists of following fields:
"parameters" is a struct with following fields:
Each struct above consists of following fields:
"model_data" is a struct with following fields:
Structs listing mode properties for different waveguide sections consist of following fields:
"FOMs" is a struct with fields below. This data is required for CML Compiler to run quality-assurance tests on the final model. It is also optionally used by CML Compiler to fine-tune the internal model to provide the expected behavior.
If the source physical data provided for the model is not consistent with the figures of merit (FOMs) provided (meaning the actual FOM values resulting from physical parameters differ from provided FOM data), the model can tune the provided physical data to match the FOMs to the provided values. For more information, see Tuning Active Compact Models.
Each struct above consists of following fields:
"QA" is a struct with following fields: