Copies all applicable properties from one object to another.
copyproperties("source object name", "destination object name");
Copies all the applicable properties from the "source object" to the "destination object".
- If multiple source objects with the same name "source object name" are found, the first one will be picked and used.
- If multiple destination objects with the same name "destination object name" are found, all applicable properties apply to all destination objects.
- [INTERCONNECT only] Protected properties cannot be copied and passed from an object to another.
- [INTERCONNECT only] Applicable properties set by "Expression" will be copied and passed from an object to another.
- Only editable properties can be changed in FDTD/MODE/CHARGE/HEAT/DGTD/FEEM.
- The properties need to have the same name and type to be able to copied and passed from one object to another.
- If a property failed to copy and pass to the destination object, the script command will report an error message and all the properties of the destination object will rollback to its originals.
The following script command will add a Frequency-domain field and power monitor and a mode expansion monitor, then copy the properties of the Frequency-domain field and power monitor to the Mode expansion monitor.
set("name", "power monitor");
set("name", "mode expansion monitor");
copyproperties("power monitor", "mode expansion monitor");
See Also
List of commands, copy