This page shows the process of starting, stopping and restarting Lumerical FlexNet license server (FlexLM). The FlexLM should start automatically after the installation and whenever the machine is rebooted. FlexLM can be manually restarted without rebooting the machine, in situations where it failed to start automatically particularly after a power saving mode, when the LUMERICL daemon is down or when installing a license file.
- Administrator or Root access is required
Start -> Lumerical -> Start license server
Start -> Lumerical -> Stop license server
Start -> Lumerical -> Restart license server
Open terminal and run:
sudo /opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/etc/lumlmadmin [start] [stop] [restart]
macOS (deprecated)
Open terminal and run:
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/com.lumerical.flexlm