Online activation has been deprecated. Please activate your license using the offline method as shown here.
This article discusses the options using the 'lumerical-activation-console' command-line executable used for non-graphical connections in Linux systems. The options for certificate-based license online activation using the default install path on the machine hosting FlexLM, are shown below.
MAC locked license online activation
- Run the activation console with the -m option together with your activation code.
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -m YOUR-CODE
- Enter 1, (first mac address) when prompted which MAC address to use on your machine.
- It will attempt to install the license file into the default "lumerical-flexlm" installation folder. (root access required for default installations)
- Otherwise, it will prompt you to save the license file to a location where you have write access.
- Type the location where you have write access and Enter to save.
USB Key license online activation
- Run the activation console with the -u option together with your activation code.
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -u YOUR-CODE
- Enter 1, when prompted to choose the USB device plugged into the machine with the corresponding Flex-ID.
- It will attempt to install the license file into the default "lumerical-flexlm" installation folder. (root access required for default installations)
- Otherwise, it will prompt you to save the license file to a location where you have write access.
- Type the location where you have write access and Enter to save.
Triad redundant license online activation
- Run the activation console with the -m option together with your activation code and your triad servers' mac addresses.
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -m YOUR-CODE mac-address1 mac-address2 mac-address3
- You will be prompted to save the license file to a location where you have write access.
- Type the location where you have write access and Enter to save.
- Install the license file to all 3 triad license servers.