Reference Geometries
Reference geometries can be used to assign various simulation objects including doping profiles, boundary conditions, sources and monitors to any desired volume or surface in the simulation. This will give users freedom to apply attributes to arbitrary geometries. The following video will walk you through the concept of reference geometries and their different types and applications.
CHARGE, HEAT, DGTD and FEEM offer various geometric features that can be taken advantage of in order to create complex geometric objects and structures. Here, we have included a series of videos that will introduce these geometric features.
1. Partitioned Volume Mode
Partitioned volume mode can generate a partitioned volume of the simulation region composed of different domains and surfaces and represents exactly what a solver can see during simulation.
2. Mesh Order
The mesh order is used by the simulation engine to select which material to use when two materials overlap.
3. Preserve Surfaces
The preserve surfaces option allows user to preserve the surfaces that belongs to the object regardless of the mesh order.
4. Merging
Geometric objects formed of the same material can be merged together to form a single domain object.
5. Open Simulation Boundaries
Users have the option to leave the simulation region boundaries open which extends the boundary to the surface of the outer structure in the corresponding direction.