Activate a floating trusted storage license on a linux machine from the command line.
List license status
List non-expired licenses
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -l
List all licenses, including expired ones
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -l -e
Online activation (deprecated)
- Activate your entitlement using the offline activation process.
Online deactivation (deprecated)
- Deactivate your entitlement using the offline activation process below.
Activation using the offline method
- Create the request.xml file to activate your license via email.
sudo /opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -a YOUR-CODE -e
- Replace YOUR-CODE with the license activation code emailed to you.
- Send the offline request.xml file to Lumerical.
- You will be provided a responseXML file.
- Copy and save the responseXML file into your license server (where the requestXML file was generate).
- Install the responseXML file to complete the activation process.
sudo /opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -a -e responseXML.xml
Deactivation using the offline method
- Obtain the license ID number by listing the activated licenses.
/opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -l
- Create a request.xml using the license ID obtained from the list, to deactivate the license via email.
sudo /opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -d # -e
- Replace # with the license ID number obtain from the list command.
- Send the request.xml file to Lumerical.
- You will be provided a responseXML file.
- Copy and save the responseXML file into your license server.
- Install the responseXML file to complete the activation process.
sudo /opt/lumerical/lumerical-flexlm/bin/lumerical-activation-console -d -e responseXML.xml
See also
Floating trusted storage license activation