Lumerical is switching from the Lumerical license manager to the Ansys license manager. Customers will typically move to the Ansys license manager during their next license renewal. This page explains how to install a legacy Lumerical license file. Customers with an Ansys license file should see: Article "5.3.1: Adding a license" from Chapter 5.3: "Using the Ansys License Management Center" on the Ansys help site (sign-in required).
This article explains how to add the license file on a standard installation of the legacy Lumerical FlexNet license manager (FlexLM). License files are used for Floating, Dongle, and Triad/Redundant license models.
For Triad/Redundant licenses, the triad servers and ports must be specified on the license file before this is imported/added into your license manager. See the notes below.
Adding a license using the Lumerical FlexNet Dashboard
The steps below outline the process of adding a license file from the Lumerical FlexNet dashboard.
- Open the FlexNet Dashboard on the machine hosting FlexLM.
- Click on Administration in the upper right corner of the page.
- You will be prompted to Sign In with an administrator username and password. Unless otherwise changed, the default username and password is admin for both.
- Go to the Vendor Daemon Configuration
- Click the Import License button and select the license file.
- If this is successful, you will see messages in green indicating the license file has been successfully imported.
- You can verify the status of your licenses by opening the FlexNet Dashboard.
- If the license does not appear on the dashboard, Re-read the license files or Restart FlexLM.
License file already exists warning message
The error message "License file exists. Cannot overwrite an existing file, licenses/LUMERICL/LicenseFile.lic, unless overwrite option is enabled" occurs when the new license file has the same name as an existing file. Give the file a unique name to avoid this problem. Appending the date to the filename may be convenient. Don't use any special characters in the file name, only alphanumeric characters.
Adding a license from the command line
Another method of adding a Lumerical is via the command line. The license file can be copied into the FlexLM installation in the following folder: (default installation path shown)
C:\Program Files\Lumerical\Lumerical-FlexLM\licenses\LUMERICL
Licenses that start in the future
The Flexnet publisher dashboard only shows active licenses. Licenses that start in the future will not be listed. See: Multiple license activation for details.
Triad redundant server license configuration
Before importing the license file, the triad redundant license file must be edited with the triad license server information. Aside from the HostNames of the triad servers, the license server and daemon listening ports are required to define the quorum ports in a triad configuration. Edit the license file as shown below. (example shown uses the default ports used by the Lumerical FlexLM).
- Replace 'this_host#' with the 3 triad machines' Host Names.
- Add the port to be used by the license manager and the vendor daemon.
- Ensure the first server line, is the Primary or Master license server.
- Import the license file into the Lumerical FlexLM on the 3 license servers.
#Please Do not delete this comment line.
SERVER LUM_LICSERVER2 001122334455 27011
See also
Ansys entitlement activation and license file installation